Storm's Companion is a Unique Pants. It can only be used by Druids.
The Storm's Companion Pants have undergone a remarkable transformation, making them a top-tier choice for Druids, particularly those focused on companion builds. These pants offer a significant 62.5% to 85% Lucky Hit Chance boost for the Pack Leader, enabling rapid reset of companion abilities, which can be crucial for maintaining constant companion activity.
Additionally, the pants enhance your wolves with increased attack speed, lightning damage, and the Storm Howl ability, turning them into formidable allies. With added bonuses like up to 17.5% close damage reduction and a +4 to 5 boost for wolves, these pants are now a best-in-slot item for companion-focused Druids, and they offer substantial utility even for those running other builds.
Your Wolf Companions are infused with the power of the storm, dealing Lightning damage and gaining the Storm Howl ability.
How to get Storm's Companion
You can farm this unique from The Beast in the Ice
"The storm's rage is my own, brother. I call, and the skies roar in reply." - Vasily, to Bul-Kathos